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A Complete Solution for Care @ Home Service Delivery

We provide a complete care management solution that offers full visibility over service capacity ensuring Care @ Home teams can effectively manage the entire service delivery process. 

Improved continuity of care

Increased workforce capacity

Delivering a more compliant service
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Increase In Internal Capacity


Reduction In Missed Visits


of Scheduling Is Automated

Thousands of mobile workers are scheduled each day with Totalmobile’s Solutions for Local Government

Totalmobile provides an end-to-end solution with intuitive and responsive real-time support monitoring and planning capabilities.

It allows you to maintain service users, set up schedules for their support plan, regularly assess for goal planning and check capacity for onboarding new service users. 

Better use of existing capacity

by empowering staff to undertake more visits per day

Improved continuity of care

which leads to better outcomes and improves customer satisfaction

Improving the quality of care

delivered by having greater visibility of the care requirements and outcomes

We understand your challenges

The service, alongside the support staff, are facing many challenges: 

  • An inability to deal with demand for service driven by hospital discharge pressures 
  • An ageing population that will lead to further increases in demand 
  • Challenges to service quality amplified by lack of capacity and needing to respond to a changing workforce 
  • Lack of operational intelligence for service improvement & outcome evaluation 
  • Recruitment and retention of staff driven by outdated processes 
  • Retrospective data entry leading to poor data accuracy & quality 
  • Budgetary pressures that impacts upon capacity 

Benefits for your Care @ Home Team 

Our Care @ Home solution provides a diverse range of benefits that enables service provides to tackles some of their largest challenges, enhance service quality and benefit from an improved way of working: 

  • Better use of existing capacity by empowering staff to undertake more visits per day  
  • Improved continuity of care which leads to better outcomes and improves customer satisfaction  
  • Rapidly confirm the ability to handle new service users therefore speeding up discharge  
  • Improving the quality of care delivered by having greater visibility of the care requirements and outcomes  
  • Providing carers with improved ways of working, removing many frustrations and enabling them to focus on their core job  
  • Visibility and evidence of the effectiveness of delivered care 
Nurse visiting home on social care visit

Our Care @ Home solution

Totalmobile provides an end-to-end solution with intuitive and responsive real-time support monitoring and planning capabilities. It allows you to maintain service users, set up schedules for their support plan, regularly assess for goal planning and check capacity for onboarding new service users.

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Workforce Rostering

A highly configurable rostering solution developed to support organisations with complex scheduling needs and help them maximise the value of their available workforce.

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Dynamic Scheduling

Ensuring the efficient allocation of resources enabling organisations to achieve complex scheduling goals based on demand whilst considering time, location, availability and service levels.

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Care Schedules & Requirements

Providing granular details on care requirements to ensure the right care is provided at the right time by the right person.

Capacity Checker

A powerful tool to assess the impact new referrals would have on capacity and service provision enabling customers to make informed decisions before taking on new service users.

Lone Worker Protection

Protect your care workers and give them the ability to send alerts when they have any safety concerns or are operating in a high-risk environment.

Providers Portal

A cloud-based application streamlining care request interactions between councils and external care providers, the Providers Portal simplifies the management and delivery of care services while enhancing transparency and reducing administrative burdens.

7 years of successful deployment, elevating care service quality.

Totalmobile has revolutionised our service. We are now provided with a level of management intelligence and visibility we have never been able to see or report on before. This enables us to ensure that a higher level of planned care is delivered to those in need within the community.”

Karen MarwickBusiness Change Manager, Care at Home, Fife Council

Want to find out more about our Local Government Services?

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